Monday, May 5, 2014

Writing My Thoughts Out Helped A Lot...My Pros & Cons


* Convenient (Shake & Go, Wash & Go)

* Healthy & Fast Growing

* Weather & Working Out Does Not Deter My Styles

* Versatile

* Low Maintenance in between retights

* Don’t have to use many products (Shampoo & Occasional Oil)


* The Cost

* Retight /Appointment Time

* Required 6 Week Intervals (Sometimes my hair is pushing it at 5 weeks)

* Roller Sets take longer to roll and dry as they get longer

 * Not all (salons) are capable of taking care of sisterlocks as far as coloring, styling or other  treatments (Sometimes I want someone else to take care of my hair every now and then)

Yeah, so my pros outweigh the cons by one and I think it helps to put things into perspective now that I see my thoughts written out. 90% of me do not want to get rid of my sisterlocks and I feel like I need to throw some professional coloring in to experiment and see what other potential my sisterlocks have for me. I know that no matter what style of hair I choose it’s going to require some type of maintenance and I’ll have a period that I won’t like it for the moment either. I think I’m just having a down day about my hair and I know that if I did something drastic now, I probably won’t feel too great about it a few seconds later. I’m going to think long and hard about this some more before I make any decisions about my locs, but it really did help to put it out there without holding these thoughts in for too long. We shall see what happens ;-)

4 Years Locked With a Love/Hate Relationship

Soooooo Hello Everyone!

It's been a very long time and I am in my 4th year of being SL'd. Unfortunately I'm having a love/hate relationship with my sisterlocks right now and I really don't know what to do. I never thought that it would come to a day that I would dislike my sisterlocks. It has nothing to do with my consultant because she does an awesome job, but I feel like I need a change once again. I definitely don't want to go back to the relaxer, but I'm terrified of dealing with loose natural hair on my own. I've never been that great with styling my own hair except to curl it or roll it with rollers. 

I've been trying to come up with the pros and cons of why I should or should not cut my locs, but the common denominator is the cost and the time it takes to do it. I finally moved out on my own two months ago and I'm learning quickly that my sisterlocks budget is not fitting in with my expenses like I though it would. $100-120 every 6 weeks is starting to look very unattractive to me and I feel horrible at the same time because my consultant is very good at what she does. I'm on the fence about learning to retighten my hair on my own but I seriously don't have the patience. I work full-time and I'm in grad school full time and it really sucks to feel this way. 

On the other hand, I never got to experience my loose natural hair. I went straight from the perm to sisterlocks and I think that's why I'm conflicted right now. I never got to experience playing with my hair a lot and I'm 26 years old. I just don't want to regret cutting my sisterlocks because I put so much time, patience and money into getting them where they are now. I've been researching blogs and videos or people who took down/cut their sisterlocks and sometimes it gets me hype to just go ahead and do it. I definitely got the sisterlocks at random and I don't know why I'm scared to start all over again. I never had anything against any hairstyle that did not involve locking or being natural, but I'm just overwhelmed with the feeling of the maintenance I will have to endure once I decide of what I want to do. 

I don't have anyone around me to talk to about this except my mother who is also SL'd, but she doesn't want to cut her sisterlocks. I guess I need an unbiased opinion about this issue. Is there anyone out there whose experiencing this right now?