Monday, May 5, 2014

Writing My Thoughts Out Helped A Lot...My Pros & Cons


* Convenient (Shake & Go, Wash & Go)

* Healthy & Fast Growing

* Weather & Working Out Does Not Deter My Styles

* Versatile

* Low Maintenance in between retights

* Don’t have to use many products (Shampoo & Occasional Oil)


* The Cost

* Retight /Appointment Time

* Required 6 Week Intervals (Sometimes my hair is pushing it at 5 weeks)

* Roller Sets take longer to roll and dry as they get longer

 * Not all (salons) are capable of taking care of sisterlocks as far as coloring, styling or other  treatments (Sometimes I want someone else to take care of my hair every now and then)

Yeah, so my pros outweigh the cons by one and I think it helps to put things into perspective now that I see my thoughts written out. 90% of me do not want to get rid of my sisterlocks and I feel like I need to throw some professional coloring in to experiment and see what other potential my sisterlocks have for me. I know that no matter what style of hair I choose it’s going to require some type of maintenance and I’ll have a period that I won’t like it for the moment either. I think I’m just having a down day about my hair and I know that if I did something drastic now, I probably won’t feel too great about it a few seconds later. I’m going to think long and hard about this some more before I make any decisions about my locs, but it really did help to put it out there without holding these thoughts in for too long. We shall see what happens ;-)

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